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The Odds Brothers Podcast | Episode 7

Point Spread Shane falls victim to the Bad Beats segment while still “keeping it 100” in Best Bet of the week.

Money Line Mark joins in to pick the season over/under win totals for teams in the Pac12 conference.

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Welcome to the Odds Brothers Podcast coming to you from the Betly Sportsbook inside the new Southland Casino and Hotel, follow the Odds Brothers podcast on Apple podcasts and Spotify. Today's show is presented by Betly online sportsbook. Download the Betly Arkansas app today. From Southland.betly.com or on the Apple App Store. Here are your hosts. Point Spread Shane And Money Line Mark.


Seven shows.


And still makes me laugh. I just wonder when it's not but it's still funny. Not a smart man.


Welcome everybody, to the Odds Brothers podcast. Keep in mind, in addition to Apple and Spotify, we're now on Amazon and Google as well. So just about anywhere you get your podcasts, these two ugly mugs are there waiting for you to click on. What do they call it? Subscribe these days. Sure. Or at least follow. Yes, sir. Yes, keep in mind our show's done every Friday live here. Inside Southland Casino and hotel, we're in the sportsbook area, if you want to come over and say hi, sometimes when we're doing our show, hopefully in about a month or less, we got the video version coming out.


Oh, can't wait for that.


So if you're listening to us for miles and miles away, you too can get the Money Line Mark and Pointspread Shane experience.


Full experience.


Full experience. We just advise that you know, during your alone time pop-in, listen to the show.


That's better than where I thought you're going with it.


Yeah. All right. Our mobile app if you're inside Arkansas, and you still have not downloaded the Betly sports app, Mark, tell them 250 reasons why they should reconsider.


So first time betters sign up onto the Arkansas Betly app and sign up and you get a $250 for risk free first bet there is a minimum $10 bet and the odds must be minus 250 or greater. You have to lose to get that free bet unlocked. So it's if you lose. It's a free bet. It's not money back. It's a free bet equal to the amount that you wager, right bet $10 and lose. You get the end and the odds were right and you met all the other minimum requirements. You get that $10 Back in a free bet.


Right? So don't don't think that you can bet just the $10 minimum and then if you lose, you get $250. Exactly not how that works.


Exactly, exactamundo.


That's the inflation that does not show up.


That's right.


In the sportsbook app. So yeah. $250 up to risk-free first bet so if you have not signed up for the app, or maybe you're waiting for the football season to begin Maybe that's your thing football because boy, what are we about a week from the Hall of Fame Game now?


Yeah, I guess so.


about, what 11 days, I guess from the first preseason match or sets and then about a month or so from the first college football?


Yes, sir.


So let me tell you what we got speaking to the college football coming up later.


Tell us.


In the show. Last two weeks, we've done the NFC in the AFC in the National Football League and we did predictions for the over and unders and their win totals. Well, we're going to do the same for the power five conferences in college football as well. This week, we're going to do the I guess you had PAC 12.


Yeah, the PAC 12.


Which just might be the last year or so that you'll recognize the PAC 12 And we'll get into some of that news later. But we're gonna do that for the college. So we got ACC Big 12 Big 10 And we're gonna wrap it up with the SEC. The day before the actual college football season kicks off.


That's good. That means- That means we won't have time to do a recap of how crappy my picks are.


Today we will.






I mean all day all of the different conferences before college football starts.


Probably not but like anything else. They are out there in the metaverse to pull down anytime that we need to. And we will check up on our picks. From time to time just see where we're at.


I'm sure we'll check up on it when I'm five for five.


Man, that show just might not happen that week idk. And I always like we do we'll give you our $5 parlay of the week. That'll transition into the pick six during football season, where we give you a five team parlay that just cost you $5 With a chance to win a minimum of at least $200 And then our best bit of the week is coming up as well on the show but first like we normally do we got our sweet treats and bad beats of the week. sweet treat.


sweet treat. So today's sweet treat happened last Saturday. There's $145 bet on a 9 team parlay.


Oh my goodness, not 9 teamer.


Yes, so we've got the Blue Jays money line Twins money line. Cardinals money line WNBA aces money line. That's kind of an oddball thing to throw in there. Dodgers money line. Braves money line. Yankees first five innings money line, Braves money line, and the Astro Mariners the Astros on the Mariners total runs under seven.


So you had a weird while baseball with the except and a lot of money lines, but you had one WNBA game and one under baseball game.




And from the way it sounds, all those teams that you talked about, I can imagine being favorites.


Yes. So I don't know about the WNBA I have no idea,


And it all hit.


All hit. Yep, that's why it's a sweet treat. Because it was sweet.


Yeah, that does make sense. Otherwise, why wouldn't we be talking about $145 9 team parlay, and I got to try to guess what that would pay.


Gotta guess it. Not even you either. You can't cheat this day.


I cannot cheat this time. I noticed. It was blank. Marcellus would not give it to me this week. How about I'm gonna guess. Boy this I feel like the price is right showcase. That's right.


I'll be Bob Barker for ya.


Nine, nine. Let's say 30,000


30,000! Holy cow. No, that's way too high.


That's way too high? 9 team 140. All right.


You did say favorites.


Oh, I did say favorites. $12,786.43.


You're almost there. You're halfway there.


On 12,000. I'm halfway it paid 6000.


6340 dollaaa!


Okay well, that's still a pretty good chunk for just $145 but 9 teamers.


favorites. I'm assuming the WNBA aces were favorites, but I'm not positive on it.


All right. So six grand for 145 Get you one of these. All right. All right. And let's see. 300 to one. No, that would not have taxes either.


No, taxes.


All right. I'm learning. I'm learning pa. That you're only sweet treat?


That's the only sweet treat because I'm dancing over here for the bad beats. I'm waiting.


Yeah. All right. Already, Your Honor. I'm noticing a plan of appeal on this bad beat. But go ahead. The bed beat is for this week.


And well somebody bet $5 on the five team parlay, sounds familiar. Yes. Where they had to win a minimum of 200.


Oh, boy.


Sounds familiar?


Does. two weeks in a row. This sounds familiar.


Good. This time. It's not this guy talking.


I wonder who it could be.


I don't know. So this person had, Pointspread Shane, dodgers minus one and a half. They won. The Rangers over seven and a half. They won the Rockies over seven and a half. They won. The Braves plus one and a half and they won. And then we get to the Red Sox game football game money line. Yeah, that didn't work out so well. 28 and five loss. Guess they decided to play football that day. And that's what I thought made it so sweet that they just didn't lose. They got stomped.


And let me tell you how pitiful this was. So I'm going back through going. I wonder how my $5 five team parlay looks. And as winner, winner, winner. Oh, winner, and then I looked up the Boston's that can't be right. I had to refresh the screen like does that say 28?


That's right!


So it wasn't even close. I didn't have to watch. I mean, it was like 18 to 3 after four or five innings. It was just so nuts that for a bad beat normally, like a certain co host on the show had to go into extra innings to get stomped out last week. This past week. I didn't even have a chance. No, he soon as they threw out the first pitch was pretty much down to nothing at that at that stage. So-


That was just incredible. That's that's what you would see in football. You're not you don't see that much in baseball. Not professionals.


Yeah. So what are we on? Five weeks of this?


Yeah, five weeks.


And technically, oh, we haven't won, so we're both down 25.


That's right. That's zero.


But the good chance or good choices is that it only takes one and we know it's at least $200 or more we can turn a profit quick.


Yeah, we still got plenty of time.


All right. Well, I guess we'll get to those latest pick five parlays. And our best bet of the week right after we do the shadie pick 12 event.


Shadie big 12.


We call it the shadie because conference not that good last year, obviously. And since we're talking about the PAC 12 News broke oh maybe a month ago, I guess now that so far, UCLA and USC will be moving to the big 10 After I believe this year, the season word is is Stanford, Oregon, California and maybe one of the Washington teams Will follow suit potentially, in a full out expansion and the, I guess the big 12 become the first 20 Team conference. Wow, big 10 will? So I don't know how you can call yourself the big 10. But I don't know if they'll have to rebrand it? So this will be an interesting conference and it might be the last time they're known as the PAC 12. If they either absorb somebody or get absorbed into another conference, it's for survival purposes.


And that sounds like they could go down to the shadie 6.


they could go down to the shadie 6 real quick like, and then pretty much dissolved. So it'd be interesting to follow that now we're gonna do the PAC 12 North first, just like we did with the NFL, NFL, AFC and NFC conferences, we're going to predict what we think based on the game total win over or under that for this year, Oregon, and the PAC 12. North won that division last year 10 and 4. Currently, though, the line is at eight and a half wins. So if you think they're gonna win nine or more and keep in mind, most college games or seasons are somewhere between 12 and 13 games minus any playoff action. They were 10 and 4 last year, only eight and a half. So they're expected to take a step back for some reason. If you think it's nine or more, which a lot of people do, it's minus 135. And even money do you think they win eight games or less? What's your current prediction on the Ducks?


I think they got 14 returning starters, I do believe coming this season, they're going to be just like they were this year they're going to dominate that north. And I think there'll be minimum 10 and 4, so I went over.


Yes, I did went over even though I don't like the minus 135. So like last time, there's only one in here that I'm I'm expecting the line shift to occur at some point. And we're getting to it fairly quickly here. Washington State Cougars 7 and 6. So the middle of that division was pretty competitive last year. However, just like Oregon, they knocked him down a couple of pegs as well. Five and a half wins is the current line. If you think they win six or more, you get plus juice. They're at 125 odds and if they're under which for some reason, they think they're really going to suck this year. They're at minus 155. So what say you Mark six or more or five or less?


I'm going less I'm going under with the crowd minus 155 They have a lot of things that need to try to overcome this year and don't think it's going to happen.


Well, okay, so I got a low bar here you were seven and six last year. I need to you can lose one game, I guess and still be like, Yeah, you get you're gonna lose one more. I'm gonna say two but then you'd be under. I'm going to take a shot with the juice here. I'm gonna go they win six, maybe seven? Because I don't I don't really see. Well, if you look at who they play, and a majority but two of the games are in conference. Arizona is not expected to get better Colorado is not expected to get better. UCLA is about to stay even Arizona State who's getting those wins I think that are all going to be losing more games in theory who's getting those? I'm hoping the Washington State Cougars do.


I think you're I think you're right on the state does wrong team.


Okay, well, Oregon State the beavers they were seven and six as well. Last year. They're at five and a half wins on the overunder. Now over this is where the juice is really hitting yet minus 165 if you think they win six games or more this year 120 If you think they're five or less what say you Mark?


I went with them. I think they're gonna be the exact same record they had last year. I think they're at the seven win mark so I went over you went over Yep. Horrible odds but I went with it.


Yeah, well, once again if I'm gonna go on the Washington State Cougars to actually get over that five and a half. I'm gonna go on the Oregon State Beavers to hit that six. Just barely get me the the juice there at plus 120.


Oh, you went under?


Or sorry? Under? Yes. Oh, I guess I need five than don't I?


don't yeah, if you're gonna win six, that's over.


Yeah, I had six written here.


I got a coin. You can flip it.


No, I did have six written here. I just screwed up on what I was reading on the odds here. So if I say six, I'm with you. I don't feel as good as minus 165. So just to clarify. We're just picking it but if I would not bet it, it's not worth that minus 165. Now, the reason I say that is we saw an event last time when we talked about the Eagles where it got to minus 190. And then they did raise it a game and their odds somewhat reset. If this continues that way. I think that's what's going to happen here and then they go to six and a half now they go to six and a half. Are you still going over? I guess you say yes because seven?


Because I think they'll get to seven, Yep.


All right. So if you see that switch he still says over.


I still say over.


If I see it at six and a half I have to flip and go under because I think they win six games this year. Just predict and run on note there. All right, California Golden Bears five and a half as well. They were five and seven last year. So it's even or both over and under same odds, minus 110. So nobody's really got a strong opinion on this one.


No, this was a tough one for me. I, I almost flipped the coin, but I just went ahead and I think they'll do the same as they did last year. I, well, then didn't really do it that way. I guess I'll go with six and they'll have six wins I went over. It was I just did a coin flip. That's that that is a to me, the odds are set perfect to make you think about what they're going to do. You don't really have to dissect what their schedule is. What's happened with their team, you know, both and coaching, you know, during the offseason so.


I'm with ya I think five wins? I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and flip it over. And we'll go ahead. One of us got to be right here now.


Okay, good.


Because that's the one that I think you're right. They hit the spot. Where it could go one game either way. And everybody's pretty even on that thought. All right. Washington Huskies, you said? Wrong team in the same state? I guess this is the one you're talking about. They were 4 and 8 last year. They're expecting seven and a half here as the line. So if you think they're eight and more wins, it's minus 120. Currently think there's seven unless it's minus 110? So are they really gonna improve? Basically, by four games?


I think they are the second best in the north. And I think they will get to those eight wins. They've made huge improvements this year. And I think they're gonna flip that I think I think they pick up those wins that Washington state can't.


That they can, oh, my bar is not nearly as high on that one. They were over it last year. At that five and a half. So we'll see. I'm not as much of a believer do they win? Seven. That's a good three wins over? Yeah, we're gonna go head to head. I'm gonna go under. Just barely, though. Seven. I think they do improve. But I don't think they improve that much in my opinion. And then last but not least in the north, the Stanford Cardinals three and nine. Only Arizona saved him from having the worst record in the conference last year. Oh, big improvement this year. Four and a half wins is the current line. If you think they went five or more, which is a two game improvement here. You get plus money here. 110. And if you think they're under, basically four or less, it's minus 140.


Yeah, I went I went the under route. Because I think that went four.


Yes. One more game extra, huh?


Yep. That doesn't get them over that mark. So that's why I say four.


We're on the same one there. I went under as well. And I don't know if it's 123 or four. I haven't seen to your point. When I looked over, I didn't see a whole lot of change over transfers, anything that would make me go Yeah. I would see that. All right, heading down to the warmer climates of the PAC 12, South Utah, Utes 10. And for last year, for a while they were in the national picture to get into the playoffs, eight and a half is the current line minus 135. Right now, if you think they'll win nine or more, even money, if they're eight or less, what say you Mark?


I think they take the south again. And I think though they do at least nine so I went over.


You think they'll do at least nine you went over huh? All right. I went under and I'll tell you why. When we get down to the team, that I think it's gonna give him the biggest problem this year.


Please don't say Arizona.


No, it will not be them, their in the most trouble. Again, I think Arizona State Sun Devils eight and five last year, they think they're going to take a little bit of a regression here six and a half is the current line over. So seven or more wins is plus 110. Six or less is minus 135. So the current thinking by many in the betting public is they will get not only less than they had last year but six and less.


I agree. I'm going under I agree that they will this division I don't think is anywhere near as tough as the North.


Yeah, from top to bottom. I totally get you so I'm with you there I went. If the line was five and a half I still may go under Might UCLA the Bruins eight and four last year? Eight and a half. So pretty much what they did last year, if you think they'll have nine wins or more, it's minus 110. Same kind of juice if you think they'll have eight or less so once again, we talked about this above there with California. What do you think?


I think they're I think they're going under they have some past defensive issues. You know, the the stop the pass, I think that's going to be an issue. I don't think they're going to drop down to like a 1 and 11 but I don't think they're going to make that nine.


I don't either. I think at best they finish eight and four again. And I'll tell you why.


All right.


The next team USC Trojans foreign aid last year, which is very un-USC like and you can tell because look what they expect here nine and a half wins. Why? Lincoln Riley comes to town? I'm obviously overstating this but half the Oklahoma squad game with them. Overall, the PAC 12 As far as a talent league top the bottom wasn't that strong to begin with. And he brings probably the best five stars and four star recruits in the entire conference to one team so that's why it jumped that high, now. Well what happened in the first year, there are only two who kind of odd games are like Fresno State? And I forget what the other junk team they played open the year is the two gimmies outside of the conference. So I'm gonna say they're gonna win those two, obviously. Where are you on that nine and a half 125 If you think they win 10 games or more and then minus 105 if it's nine or less?


Yeah, I think I'll think they'll win eight in or nine, but I don't think they win 10. So I went under at minus 105.


I did too, because I think they're right at nine. I think they can take games from and just say it last year they lost to Arizona State and UCLA. I don't think that happens this year. I think they win those games. And I think they only play the Oregon Ducks. Obviously, toward the end, like of the year, so they should have already racked up the wins now. First year coach first year system, even with the players, they're not very deep and those very good players, but the starting set is really good. That's why I think five win improvement on the five Na is monstrous. But I do think there'll be some kind of trip UPS early on in the season. Their losses are probably going to better have to come early in the year first half as compared to the second half. So I think they're at nine.


I agree.


All right. So that's where the the wins I think come picking up there.


oddsmakers did a good good.


Did a good job on now. And I if it was eight and a half, I was gonna go sailing all over the over I can tell you that nine is exactly nine or 10. So this that one's tough. I could see 10 But I'm banking on nine because I think Utah to your point still gonna be pretty dang good. Oregon is still gonna be pretty dang good. It's gonna be hard to run the table. So they will lose hopefully two, three. Maybe four. Anyway under, would be good. Colorado Buffaloes, three and a half is their over under they were four and eight last year if over four wins, or four wins or more is plus 125. Right now. And this is unbelievable to me. Three wins or less minus 155.


Why is it unbelievable to you?


Well, I mean, there's bad teams, and then there's teams that I mean, you can get four wins, can't you?


I don't think so. That's why I went under. I think they get three.


Do you think they get three? All I got to do is get the four and I'm gonna go for it. 125.


All right.


Exact same record as last year.


I might. I might shed a little light on here on the next one for you. Why I went that way.


Oh, goodness. The Arizona Wildcats. One and 11. Very Detroit Lion like two and a half is the win total. One whole game if you like more than two and a half, which is basically three or more minus 155. If you think they'll win two or one or none. It's 110. On the positive side. So go ahead and educate me on this one.


Alright so Colorado. Remember I said would when I'm 23? Three, but an under. I think Arizona picks up one when alright, but I'm at two, but I'm still under on them as well.


You're saying two huh?


Yeah, I think they pick up the win over Colorado to make that one game difference between the two of them.


Boy, you're putting a lot of extra pressure against the two and a half. They're picking up that one win.


I'm picking up that one win, but it's still under a plus 110.


Yeah, I'm gonna go over.


you said Detroit. See, I think more like Cleveland.


Well, browns.




I mean, we don't have a line for that yet. But I do know if you said it was like even three and a half or four and a half, you're probably going under all the way to almost zero, right?


That's right. And I'm still sticking to it.


All right. Well.


We'll do that recap later down the road.


Yeah, I'm gonna wait and see exactly where Deshaun Watson LANs before I say either way, but I'm gonna go over because it's such a low bar. Three wins. Still in a great year, but it gets me the cash, right, even at minus 155. So once again, it wouldn't be something that I would go out and just hammer. But it is where I would land my.


You said over?


I'm going over.


How many ya thinking?




Three. Okay.


Three, and maybe that rivalry game with Arizona state if they're not going to be as good which you didn't? Maybe they win that game. And they're already basically there.


Yeah, no I gotcha.


So that's, that's why I'm rolling. That is that is your shadie PAC 12 North and South divisions. I guess predictions.


That's right.


And once again, we'll memorialize these and come back sometime during the year and probably halfway through and see how we're looking.


I hope your Alzheimer's kicks in and you don't remember.


Oh, no, I may not. But I'll have it somewhere where I can grab the paper and refresh my memory.


Oh, that's awesome.


All right, now it's time for the $5 parlay OF THE WEEK rules $5 We must pick five teams, we must have the possibility to win at least a minimum of $200 or more in order to qualify this. So yes, we are taking some long shot action in this deal. Our recap last week, as you heard since I was featured in the bad beat somehow, even though it got blown out. Last leg. I was four or five and Mark was zero.


You're still appealing it.


Were you 0 to 5?


I was 0 of 5 I got bamboozled. I was bamboozled!


That is tough to do. 0 of 5?


If you think that's tough to do hold my beer. I've got some more coming for you.


Oh, well, all right. I'm holding the beer.


All right. All right, I've got the this week on my $5 five pick. I've got the Pirates money line up plus 105.


Pirates money line.


That's right. I got the White Sox run line at minus one and a half at plus 105. I've got the Houston Astros run line at minus one and a half at plus 125. I got the Mets run line at minus one and a half at plus 150. And then I've got the Texas Rangers run line minus one and a half at plus 160. All those goodies gives me a total odds of 6050. For total potential payout is $307.31.


Well, well, well look who put on their long shot pants of the day.


That's right. That's what I said hold my beer.


He's gonna say I think that's the largest potential payout we've had so far on the $5 parlay.


I think you're right.


All right, well, not that high as you there, but I think this one still pays pretty decent. And we do have a commonality here. We'll actually two of them. So that can bode well.


That's awesome!


Mets minus one and a half on the Run line. You mentioned it plus 150 I like it. So that's what I took cubs money line plus 120 If they can beat the Giants.


Just once.


I mean, they you know, come on. They they didn't lose by much yesterday. I think it was one nothing, if I remember that. Right. So come on, cubs, you had been on a streak. Let's go ahead and pick one up for the Gipper.


And I think you're hanging around Kevin way too much.


Probably, Texas Rangers. You mentioned that against the Angels. They ended up going through Otani last night. So the toughest pitcher they probably got. Is out. Now he did a start. So to go ahead and give up one and a half and still get plus 160. I like it. Great juicy odds there. And the other two that I did in the $5 parlay are over under run lines, total runs in the Phillies and Pirates game is eight. I went over, that's minus 115. And then the total runs in the Cardinals and nationals tonight is even money I went under eight and a half. So over eight and then under eight and a half. So those are my two over unders in the in the baseball world. So that is odds of 5250, $5 on that big boy pays $267.41 pennies.


Be nice if we were both winners.


It would be and it's possible


That's right.


Because we did not go against each other on any of these.


That's right.


So yeah, but we do have two common ones so.


That doesn't bode well for you, at least oh and five last week.


I figured I'd stay away from the Boston I can't be on the right side of that the save my life. So I went ahead and avoided them. All right, so best bet of the week though.


Best bet of the week.


Somebody's keeping it 100 around this podcast, I wonder who it could be?


Yeah, that's you.


That's me.


100% five for five.


Thank you. I like to thank everybody supported me along the way. Mom. Dad.


I think I fell asleep...


The dog.


oh I'm at three and five.


That's not bad.


Not bad but I gotta live with that five and five every week so.


I will tell you this all right now the five previous ones when I've given them out I felt pretty good about it. Okay, it took me about a good 10 12 minutes of looking over the baseball tonight and not a single one just jumped out and go oh yeah. Oh I love that one so that if I'm vulnerable of my 100% it will be this week's best bet of the week.


I hope it's the same pick I picked that would be hilarious.


That would and then I know I'm screwed so go ahead.


I went with the Yankees money line tonight.


Oh thank god it's not me and you're gonna go the Yankees again


Yankees money line. Got to put my hat on him. They ended up going to be the Yankees or the Yankers


So it's interesting they're your best bet but you didn't use them in your parlay probably gave you the odds.


The odds are nuts minus I think the last I saw it's huge.


It's huge.


Do I have the app open? No. No, I don't.


We'll take a look at it but I'll trust you.


Yeah, go with your picks by the time you get done with your pick there I'll obviously have this loaded up.


and I don't it seems like it should be like these odds are the juice doesn't seem to be right but I took the Mets minus one and a half on the Run line at the Marlins on the road. They just come off some emotional wins against the Yankees swept that little Subway Series they had so are now they go down the Marlins go oh, this will be easy. And then get shellacked or something like that. It's like one of those catch games that you come off such a huge win against your you know, cross the basically bridge rivals. And then you lay an egg against him that you should be wax wax up. If You're those guys. If you're a serious World Series contending team, you should go down there and lay about a four to one five to one whoppin' on the Marlins. Hmm, that's my thought.


All right, I hope you're vulnerable tonight.


Would you take the L just to bust up my perfect bet of the week?


I hope they do. The update on those Yankees money line currently sitting at minus 400. So definitely couldn't put them in my parlay.


minus 400.


Yes, sir.


That that's super crazy.


That's why I didn't put them in there.


Well, now it's 400 You could have put I'm not even sure you could come up with four high wins. Underdogs and make it over $200 of them. AKA the $145.19 parlay paying six grand for nine teams


9 teamer team.


Are tough to do.


That's right.


All right, ladies and gentlemen. We'd like to thank you for listening to the Odds Brothers podcast. Keep in mind we come to you every Friday. We do our show live right around lunchtime here at Southland Casino till soon, YouTube.




We give you more information on when that comes in. We'll have the ACC conference next week in our over under, obviously, our sweet treats and bad beats and hopefully, at least neither of the hosts on this show are going to be highlighted. Alright?


Hope somebody isn't.


Yeah. Keep in mind if you're in Arkansas, and you want to take advantage of that $250 risk-free bet you can do so just download the Betly app from southland.betly.com. Follow the Odds Brothers, Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google, keep in mind must be 21 or older and located in Arkansas in order in order to do that in order to use the app.


There you go!


All right, play responsibly. If you need some help quitting, please call 800-522-4700 Until next Friday, Marcellus impart some words of wisdom to these folks.


Stay cool. Whatta where you're at in this country, you're probably hot. Stay cool like my picks.


That's right. They are as cold as can be. We'll see you next Friday everybody, enjoy!